Migrating from Centerprise 7.x to Centerprise 10

Astera Centerprise 10 is a major release and not a direct upgrade of Centerprise 7.6. This means that migrating from Centerprise 7.x to Centerprise 10 won’t require you to uninstall Centerprise 7 since Centerprise 10 can be installed side by side with Centerprise 7 on a system. Centerprise 10 is backward compatible, and therefore, most of the flows created on Centerprise 7 can run on Centerprise 10 without modifications. However, as with the most major release of any complex software, we recommend that you upgrade your lower level environment first, so you have an opportunity to test and verify any existing flows. This will make it possible to identify any migration issues you may encounter early on in the upgrade cycle. In this document, we will cover how you can migrate from Centerprise 7.x to the all-new Centerprise 10.


The installation package for Centerprise 10 (64-bit) contains two setup (.exe) files:

  • CenterpriseDataIntegrator.exe – for Centerprise client, and
  • IntegrationServer.exe – for Astera Integration Server

The setup files for Centerprise 10 can be downloaded from the following location:


Click here to learn how to install Centerprise 10 client and server.


Unlike the previous releases of Astera Centerprise, Centerprise 10 comes with a single licensing key (for server) rather than two separate keys for Centerprise server and client. The licensing key for Centerprise 10 has changed which means you cannot use your Centerprise 7 key to register Centerprise 10. The single licensing key for Centerprise 10 is used to register Centerprise server and it controls how many clients can connect to the server as well as the functionality available to the connected clients.

If you’re planning to migrate to Centerprise 10, please contact sales@astera.com to get your new your Centerprise 10 license key.

Cluster and Server Management in Server Explorer

The Centerprise 10 client can be configured with multiple different servers, however, it can only connect with one server at a time. The jobs scheduled, queued or running on the other registered server will continue to run without interruption even if the client is not currently connected to the server.

All servers pointing to a single repository database will form a cluster of servers sharing the common workload of queued jobs. A cluster of v10 servers you configure will be up and running and processing jobs in a similar way to 7.6, despite the fact that the v10 client can only connect to and manage one v10 server at a time. You can see which server in the cluster has actually processed a job by right-clicking the Cluster and opening Server Jobs window.



You need to set up a new repository to communicate with the Centerprise 10 server. While upgrading the previous releases of Centerprise 7, you would simply go to Server > Upgrade Cluster Database. However, while migrating to Centerprise 10, you need to set up a repository in a new database from scratch to communicate with the server(s) and store the record of server activity. To set up a repository in Centerprise 10, go to Server menu > Configure > Build Repository Database and Configure Server.


Follow through the steps explained in this article to build a cluster database and set up a repository in Centerprise 10.

Manually Migrating Existing Jobs from Centerprise 7 to Centerprise 10

Once you have built a cluster repository in Centerprise 10, the next step is to migrate the scheduled jobs you created in Centerprise 7.

1. For this, open the Job Scheduler in Centerprise 7 from Server > Job Schedules.


2. You will see all the scheduled jobs listed in the Scheduler. Select the jobs you want to migrate.


3. Click Export Schedule button in the Scheduler toolbar.


4. Point to the directory and folder where you want to save the scheduled jobs and click OK.


Now Centerprise will create a separate XML file with ‘.Sched’ extension for each scheduled job and save it in the designated folder.


5. A message window will pop up to notify that your scheduled jobs have been successfully. Click OK.


6. Now you have to import the job files in Centerprise 10 to complete the migration process. For this, open Centerprise 10 client and go to Server > Job Schedules.


7. This will open the Scheduler  tab. To import the existing jobs, click the Import Schedule  button in the Scheduler toolbar.


8. Point the path to the directory where you have saved the schedule files. Select all the scheduled jobs you want to import and click Open.


9. You can see that the existing jobs scheduled in Centerprise 7 have been successfully migrated to Centerprise 10 and a new Job ID has been assigned to each job.


Migrating Existing Jobs from Centerprise 7 to Centerprise 10 Using Pre-Designed Flows

Prior to any upgrade, we strongly recommend that you take a full backup of your repository database. Also, upgrading lower-level environment first (such as QA, UAT, etc.) is recommended prior to upgrading the Production environment. This will make it possible to sort out/resolve any issues before upgrading Production.

Steps to Upgrade:

Using Centerprise 7 client, run the following dataflow to export existing schedules into a comma-delimited file.

Note: Prior to running the dataflow, you will need to update the Database Table Source object to point to the database where the Centerprise repository resides.

Download the attached dataflow: Dataflow_ScheduleExport7.df

Take note of any existing Cluster Settings. You can check it by right-clicking the cluster in Server Explorer and selecting Cluster Settings in the context menu. These settings will need to be re-configured manually after the upgrade.


It may be helpful to take screenshots of those settings for later reference. The settings include: Staging Directory, Purge Job Frequency Options, Email Notification Setup, and optionally, Server Profiles if a non-default profile was used prior to the upgrade.


Next, install Centerprise 10 client and server on your machine. You can read more on installing Centerprise 10 client and server in this document.

Open Centerprise 10 client. Go to Server menu > Manage > Build Cluster Database. Point it to the database hosting the Centerprise repository.

Important Note: This will reset the repository.


Use the dataflow below to import the schedules you exported previously in Centerprise 7.

Download the attached example dataflow: Dataflow Schedule Import

The dataflow will look like this:


Note: Prior to running the dataflow, in the properties of Delimited File Source, you must import the CSV file you created in v7 that has data of all the schedules. Also, you will need to change the configuration of the Database Table Destination object to point to the database where Centerprise 10 repository resides.

Once the objects are properly configured, save and run the dataflow.

Next, open Server Explorer, right-click on DEFAULT and select Cluster Settings.


Now, manually re-configure the relevant settings. You can use the screenshots of Cluster Settings you previously took for reference in version 7. Optionally, you can manually reconfigure the Server Profiles setting if a non-default profile was used prior to the upgrade.


Now, restart the Centerprise server.

This completes the upgrade.

Migration Best Practices:

  • When you are starting the migration process, it is recommended to keep Centerprise 7 and Centerprise 10 servers running in parallel. This is to avoid any interruption in jobs that are currently running.
  • We also recommend you initiate the migration process with a lower-level, testing environment, and then promote your deployment to a higher-level environment as needed. This will help ensure smooth migration process with any flow compatibility issues spotted early in the transition cycle.
  • A new feature in Centerprise 10 enables you to create an admin email to access the Centerprise server. As a result, you will also be able to use the “Forgot Password” option while logging in. Read this article to learn how to verify the admin email in Centerprise 10.