Centerprise’s Server API Documentation


Centerprise’s Server APIs use Bearer Token authentication. To learn more about authenticating Centerprise’s Server APIs, click here.

Resource: Account


Method: POST

Endpoint: https://{servername}:{portno}/api/account/login

In this case: https://LOCALHOST:9261/api/account/login

Resource: /api/account/login

Request Body

Note: The format of our request body is JSON type.

Fields Field Location Data Type Description JSON Format
User Body String Username of the Centerprise user account. { "user": "admin", "password": "Admin123", "rememberMe": true }
Password Body String Password of the Centerprise user account.
RememberMe Body Boolean Binary value. Pass “1” for yes and “0” for no.

Resource: Job


Method: GET

Endpoint: https://LOCALHOST:9261/api/Job/{jobID}/Status

Resource: /api/Job/{jobID}/Status

Required Parameter
Parameter Parameter Location Data Type Description
JobID URI Integer Job ID of the flow that has already been executed in Centerprise.

Description: This method fetches the status of a job for the given job ID. A few of the response statuses are given below:

  1. Unknown

  2. Invalid

  3. NotStarted

  4. Queued

  5. Initializing

  6. Running

  7. Completed