RemoveAt (String str, Integer startAt, Integer noofChars) – String

Name RemoveAt
Applicable To (DataType) String
Purpose To remove the desired number of characters from a given string.
Description Removes the number of characters starting with startPosition from the given string.
Return Type String
Syntax str [System.String] – input string
startAt [System.Int64] – position of the first character to be removed.
noOfChars [System.Int64] – number of characters to be removed.



We have 3 parameters, str, startAt and noOfChars, in a Variables object in which we have specified the default values as:

str = Charles Dickens

startAt = 8

noOfChars = 7

Map the data fields from the Variables object to the respective data fields under the Input node inside the function object.


Now, right-click on the RemoveAt function transformation object and select Preview Output. You can see that starting from position 8, 7 characters have been removed from the string.
